September 16, 2024

LA TRINIDAD, Benguet – Schools in Benguet need not have to fully depend on learning resources (LRs) from the Department of Education central office once the division’s initiative of producing contextualized modules, supplementary videos, video stories, and e-books among other LRs materializes.

During the launching of the SDO-Benguet Initiated Learning Resources via Facebook Live on June 15, the schools division provided a glimpse of its initially developed contextualized modules, video stories, supplementary instructional videos, and e-books which could be delivered through online and offline modes.   

Since April at the height of the enhanced community quarantine brought by the Covid-19 pandemic, OIC-Schools Division Superintendent Benilda M. Daytaca enjoined the Curriculum Implementation Division (CID) to lead in the development of contextualized LRs which could be delivered through flexible learning options in anticipation of the difficulty of having face to face learning modality.

The different learning area supervisors tapped teacher-volunteers to help develop learning modules and other LRs based on the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) rolled out by the Bureau of Curriculum Development.

Through series of webinars and workshops, the LR developers produced different MELC-based outputs in the different learning areas which are up for quality assurance evaluation.

Noting the encouraging initial outputs, other teachers volunteered to share their own developed LRs.

Daytaca said that the launching program is intended to raise the awareness of the public on the preparations being made to ensure that quality learning will happen despite the pandemic.

She added that the initially developed LRs would drum up the continuing support of stakeholders especially the local government units in possibly channeling fund support for LRs.

To make sure that the LRs would be accessible and used, Daytaca said these will be uploaded in the division landing portal or could be shared through external drives to the different districts and schools in the province, provided these pass quality assurance review.     

CID Chief Rizalyn A. Guznian said that the production of the contextualized LRs showed the virtue of cooperatively doing something to help address the problem than just being dependent.

Guznian said that the outputs of the Benguet teachers would boost their confidence that they are actually capable of developing LRs which are relevant in the local context. – Macarthy B. Malanes