Can a private entity have the right to take over government regulatory functions like the imposition of congestion charge for vehicle owners?
Isn’t it inherent for the government alone to perform such tasks?
The management of traffic in Baguio, including the enforcement of traffic laws promulgated is supposed to be the exclusive domain of the city government.
In my opinion, this responsibility cannot be assigned to any private entity.
What will happen if disputes arise between motorists and the private company in the implementation of city traffic laws? Who will handle traffic complaint cases filed in court?
Is it legal for a private company to testify in court to represent the city government on matters concerning city traffic laws and ordinances?
Additionally, how will the Commission on Audit audit the traffic penalty revenue received by the city government if a private entity is commissioned to implement it? Does COA have the authority to audit a private entity?
Similarly, the administration, enforcement, and monitoring of mass transport, such as public utility jeepneys is solely the function of the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board under Republic Act11854.
Is the City of Baguio on the right track in negotiating with the Metro Pacific Transport Corporation to delegate these government functions?
Or is it a waste of time and resources for the city government and the residents? — TED TAN, Baguio City