After listening to the explanations of eminent virologists, specialists, and other medical practitioners about the coronavirus disease-2019 (Covid-19), we must concede that the disease is here to stay. Unless and until a vaccine against the pathogen is discovered, we have to face the grim reality that dealing with the Covid-19 will be a part of our daily existence. Quite ironic but it is the truth. Because of the unpredictability of the disease’s mutation and adaptation, scientists are having a hard time finding an antidote.
Several doctors and technologists around the world claim to have found a medicine against the virus, but all of these are pure speculations, at least, for now. Clearly, there is yet no known cure. If there is, it is off-label, meaning, the administration of the medicine is upon the patient’s risk. No promises no guarantees. It is like those over-the-counter products that are advertised as a cure-all medicine but makes a disclaimer that “it has no therapeutic claim.”
Eliminating the virus remains a mystery that continues to baffle the world. What is known is that it is lethal for those who have co-morbidity, or those who have existing life-threatening diseases. Hence, those who have heart ailment, diabetes, high-blood pressure, and cancer among other diseases are the most susceptible.
No wonder, we were all quarantined for almost two months. While some people are more resistant than others, everybody was equally treated since the danger of transmission and contamination is there. For those who have the strength to ward off the Covid-19, good for them. Yet, the healthy and the resistant have as much responsibility as those who are sickly and vulnerable in suppressing the virus. As has been repeatedly said, “We’re all in this together.”
The enhanced community quarantine ended on May 15. Still, our lives will never be the same. There will be changes. The government calls it the “new normal.” Regardless, living life under a “new normal” will surely be better than living under the conditions of quarantine. To interact with our friends, relatives, and neighbors with restrictions is far more pleasant than not being able to do so, at all. Well, the virus has altered our daily existence and it will do so for the next months to come.
So, people continue to ponder “if Covid-19 is here to stay, why did we have to live under distressing and depressing conditions for two months? Why did we isolate ourselves under the pain of losing our productivity if, after the ECQ is lifted, the evil we sought to avoid remains entrenched? Was our quarantine in vain?”
We did not quarantine ourselves to kill the virus. Of course not. The virus is more resilient than that. It does not depend on political solutions to propagate itself. However, we cannot deny the fact that in imposing the ECQ, the spread of the virus was contained. It limited the host bodies that it can infect and allowed our medical workers enough space to save lives. After all, it is only through the ECQ that contamination can be prevented.
The next question is “then what?” After the ECQ is lifted, we still have to contend with the virus. The danger of it infecting, especially the vulnerable, remains.
No worries, we did not isolate in vain. It was in the quarantine that we became conscious about the virus’ behavior. It was in quarantine that we were made aware on how it can affect us. It was also in quarantine that we have acquired the proper advice on how to avoid being infected which, by itself, is a very powerful tool in knowing how to live with it, how to treat it like an ordinary pest rather than a formidable foe that can kill us.
After two months of being threatened by the virus, we can take umbrage and say with confidence that we are no longer afraid. We have seen the enemy and it is not as fearful as it seems. It is overrated. Sure, it will be here to stay, but, so will we.