May 19, 2024

OUR TOPIC TODAY is this Expression/EXPR you hear among speakers – native or second-language, of Nabaloi. It is rendered here in the Ehnontog or Iruntug or West-Ibaloi ‘accent’.
[IF AMONG THE Ikulos, i.e. East Ibalois, it would be: Man osho-oshoi. Our choice for the Iruntog version is because it is easier for the Second-language users of Nabaloi, besides the fact that many East (or Ikulos) Ibalois could understand it well; thus now our title (Supra.)].
WHEN MAN OD-OROY is heard being used, it presupposes that the following ‘Discourse Conditions’ are met:
THERE IS A speaker and the Spoken-to, whether one individual or several;
THE DEED, PLAN, CONTEMPLATION, action, etc., is either in the pre-stage, current, or post-stage;
EXCEPT THE AYE!s (or some few dissenting – but unsaid Nay!s), the Speaker highly expects ‘no further points’ to proceed to;
AS THE SPEAKER, you’re saying the EXPR to a younger family (or clan)-member, a relative, or a friend. Unless jesting, you don’t say same to a stranger or a new acquaintance
AS THE SPOKEN-TO, you are expected to ‘receive’ the EXPR – with gladness (–‘with thanks’, as you and I would say), and maybe as some sort of ‘Cautioning’ – or ‘Warning’, from the astute Speaker; rather than a kind of censure or scolding. [Note our Usage of
[‘SPOKEN-TO’ INSTEAD OF perchance ‘Listener’ – or ‘Audience’, because: as the recipient; of the EXPR, you’re not expected – not even ‘invited’ to comment further. It’s just not as tailored that a-way. The ‘forms’ now common-in-application of Man od-oroy! or simply Od-oroy!
KARAKA MAN OD-OROY! This is heard said when the Spoken-to confesses to the [EXPR] Speaker, that he is planning, contemplating, intending to do a deed. An example:
ASPIRANT X – OUR Spoken-to now, reveals to his mother – now our Speaker, that he intends to withdraw his bid of Mayorship – come this or that date. Astounded – but later regained, his mother exclaims.
“KARAKA MAN OD-OROY! (Do NEG EXPR!). After all your – and our preparations?” Think again – over and over; then, tell us your final word.. after 10 days. I hope.. fair enough with you?” [Aspirant-son nods]. Next form:
KAXA MAN OD-OROY . This is said by the Speaker – to the ‘Spoken-to’ – when the deed is current or ‘in-progress’. By so saying, the Speaker is as if ‘summing it up’ with:
‘OKAY, IT’S DONE. And if it results unfortunate, it will be partly – or mostly, your fault. Kaxa man od-oroy eshan (“EXPR, cause”). A Situation-example:
HUSBAND ALIH DIMPIU borrowed urgent the motorcycle of neighbor kumpare (co-godparent) Vlas Togg. Alih went to attend an office Dinner and Party. Coming home later late, he confidently parked said motorcycle in front of the house.
EARLY MORNING, HE rushed to check the motorcycle but.. it was there no more! After going back inside and telling his wife about it, he received a:
NGANTO MA? KAXA man od-oroy ehsan! (“What now? EXPR, that’s why!”).
OUR THIRD FORM is in the ‘post-stage’ – the deed is already done and completed; even the ‘solution’ already effected.
BUT EACH TIME, the issue ‘pops up’ – or comes to the Fore, you’ll hear the Speaker ‘at-hand’: “that was an Error a misdeed, a (big) mistake on your part.. an Od-oroy!” Anyway folks, let’s now all learn from it. Ayo, ayo, ino!