May 5, 2024

IN ENGLISH, OUR title today translates “It’s them again!” – spelled as pronounced, in all Nabaloi-speaking areas, except that in some, the final syllable is rendered longer, i.e. mowaen instead of mowan.
YOU’VE HEARD THIS already since Filing (of Candidacy) time – of October 2021, or a bit before yet. But
YOU HEAR IT more often now, after the opening formally of the Campaign Period, March 25th. Those who mostly say this Expression/EXPR are voters who had had heard, seen, voted for (or not), etc., candidates in the Past.
THEY’RE THE PARENTS – or grandparents; Elders, older siblings, etc., now telling their younger-generation relatives, ensues, or offspring, what they have observed – in Election Periods gone by – for purposes of: information, ‘deeper’ appreciation; or, ‘discovery’, verification, even ‘caution’ and analysis. Let’s try to present their four usual foremost typologies – generalized and without mention of any specific or detailed reference: first,
THE MENGA ADDOK =int, ‘equals by interpretation’, the Persuader, from the verb addoken, to persuade.
THE MENGA ADDOK knows or is at least aware: one purok, Sitio, clan, or family ‘is for’ his rival; so, he goes there – not just once, to persuade the voters to vote ‘for him as well’. After all, he usually says, he is not a ‘totally non-relative’ to most of them, including his rival-aspirant they’re at present-going for’. Ayshi’y af afil, “No one is [to us IMPL] unrelated”, is one statement he often ends his speeches with in those ‘given’ areas.
IF HE SPOTS some adamance or uncertainty with some individual voters, he provides the concession of even ‘just’ a little share’, angken bingay bengat; then quickly adds in-humour: ‘because it hurts the feelings if you’ll give me a ‘flat-zero’ also. [What’s more or almost: you’ll observe some smiles among them when this cultural gesture-talk is set forth]. Second,
THE MENGA AJOK-OK =int ‘the persuader, PLUS talent or skill to explain/make-realize how the listener(s) will benefit – directly or otherwise, if they vote for him (or her). He’ll say, for instance:
“IT WILL BE your great advantage, if it’s me, you’ll give the position to, see?” Or, “your irrigation water problem has been my priority agendum, since yet before – montan pay laeng da, and so on. Third,
THE ADAI DAING =int ‘the really intelligent/clever one’ – whether this is said in honest description or metaphorically.
THE ONE DESCRIBING – or the observer, is saying: “this or that candidate projects the bests – alternatives to present social ills, answers to most urgent concerns, doable plans for the Future, etc., ergo, I go for him/her. You should too, I implore?” But if said in-Metaphor, one candidate is described as:
THE MANDA DAI-DAING =int ‘acting intelligent, or acting somewhat ‘with cleverness’ [but IMPLying further: ‘he’s yet untested; so, better go slow, but listen yes, to him; then, decipher or self-analyze later’]. Fourth,
THE EHMEKKI-KAASI =INT ‘the sympathy drawer’. He banks on the commiserating and identifying-with weaknesses and tendencies of some of his audiences.
HIS USUAL FORMAT is to present himself as poor or humble like them, or self-built amongst hardships and trials in life, etc.; then, he even invites them to verify his declarations. True – in fullness or partly, those things when said in Public are mostly admired, even at times: expressedly adored!
THERE THEY ARE – our four generalized ‘types’ of aspirants we’re are having again! As their audience and co-citizens, let’s welcome, give and ‘lend’ them our ears – to guide and inspire us towards the May 9 Elections! Ayuhh Kha nete!