July 27, 2024

The minimum jeepney fare in the Cordillera will soon increase by .50 centavos or P9 for regular passengers, and P7.25 for students, persons with disability, and senior citizens.
The last fare increase in the region was in July 2008.
In a resolution dated Jan. 30, the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board has denied the petition for P14 for the first four kilometers plus P2 for the succeeding kilometers fare increase filed by the different jeepney associations in 2018.
Instead, LTRFB has modified the proposed increase to 50 centavos for the first four kilometers only. Succeeding kilometers will not have any additional charges.
While recognizing that prices of fuel and spare parts continue to spread, the LTFRB said it could not just grant the rate asked for by the jeepney associations.
“It must be emphasized that the fixing of fare increase must be exercised with great caution, considering its domino effect on the prices of basic commodities and services. Any increase in the fare of PUVs will certainly raise the inflation rate in the country. It will diminish the purchasing power of the working population who mainly rely on public transportation and its implementation will increase the cost of living of the general public directly through increased transportation expenditure, as well as indirectly through higher cost of goods and services,” the LTFRB said.
The LTFRB also said while it earlier allowed a fare increase in the National Capital Region and regions 3 and 4, it cannot immediately grant all petitions based on the suggested rates of jeepney associations alone, for despite the surge in the cost of fuel and spare parts, there have likewise been a series of oil price rollbacks.
The United Metro Baguio Benguet Transport Operators and Drivers Federation is planning to ask the LTFRB to reconsider its resolution and grant a P1 increase minimum fare, instead of 0.50 centavos.
The group is also planning to ask the regional office of the LTFRB to waive the requirement for drivers to post a fare matrix before they can begin collecting the new rate, citing that apart from the modification in the minimum fare, rates for the succeeding kilometers remains. – Rimaliza A. Opiña