July 27, 2024

Nine employees of the Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center and a returning overseas Filipino worker are among the latest patients who have recovered from the coronavirus disease-2019 (Covid-19).

The patients have been discharged on May 12.

Nursing attendant Karla Saja, who was detailed at the Infectious Disease Building of the BGHMC, was discharged last May14.

BGHMC chief of hospital Ricardo Ruñez, Jr. said so far, there are no new infections among employees of the hospital.

At the onset of the mass testing done on health workers two weeks ago, the BGHMC reported that its workers were infected. The hospital scaled down its operation for one day to give way for the testing of other employees.

“We congratulate you for having persevered despite the facts and difficulties that you’ve faced,” Ruñez said during the May 12 send-off rites.

The first batch of patients who recovered were Dr. Elizabeth Solang, encoder Ana Paola Ortiz, nurse Merril Cadag, nursing attendant Marissa Mendoza, and nurse Herwin Siong.

The other healthcare workers who opted not to be named are PH7208, PH7437, PH7458, and PH7907.

The patients thanked the Department of Health and BGHMC for taking care of them during their confinement, and the city government of Baguio for its efficient contact tracing system. 

Ruñez gave words of encouragement to the employees who just recovered. “This is nothing to be ashamed of. We continue to accept you as one of us, one of ours, and hopefully after your days of quarantine, you may come back fresh to work with us here at BGHMC.”

“Hindi pa tapos ang laban. We have to encourage every employee in our hospital to be more vigilant, be more aware of how we carry our self most, especially in our work place. Alagaan po natin ang ating mga sarili,” Ruñez said.

As part of protocol, all healthcare workers who were discharged are now on 14-day home quarantine. They will be tested again before returning to work.

Meanwhile, the City Health Services Office reported a new positive case in Baguio.

This brings the total number of cases in Baguio to 31.

The patient, Maj. Rafael Roxas, deputy chief of the Fingerprint Division Philippine National Police Crime Laboratory, is presently confined at the BGHMC. 

It is believed that he contracted the disease in the National Capital Region where he is currently deployed.

Barangay Dontogan where he is a resident has been locked down for the contact tracing.

In a statement, Baguio City Police Director Col. Allen Rae Co appealed to the public to show compassion, instead of vilifying Roxas.

Shortly after the announcement that Roxas is the new case in Baguio, people accused him and the PNP of using his privilege to freely enter Baguio, without undergoing the requisite quarantine especially if coming from a high-risk area.

Co said Roxas is now being investigated and if found to have violated protocols of the PNP, he will be given proper disciplinary action.

At this time, however, Co said focus should be on Roxas’ healing. – Rimaliza A. Opiña with reports from Jade Malicdan