July 27, 2024

BONTOC, Mountain Province – In a heartwarming gesture, the municipal government has turned over a well-deserved financial incentive to Herbert Malecdan Todyog, a centenarian residing in Barangay Alab Oriente on July 7.

BONTOC CENTENARIAN — Mayor Jerome Tudlong Jr. led a team from the municipality and representatives from the Municipal Federation of Senior Citizens to personally hand over the cheque amounting to P40,000 and a certificate of recognition to 105-year-old Herbert Malecdan Todyong in his house in Barangay Alab Oriente, Bontoc on July 7. — Christy Mae Che-es

Todyog was presented with a check amounting to P40,000 and a certificate of recognition as a token of gratitude for his significant milestone and his invaluable contributions to society.

The grant, which is aimed at recognizing and honoring centenarians within the community, was personally delivered to the centenarian’s residence by Mayor Jerome Tudlong, Jr., accompanied by CouncilorViola Okko, Office for Senior Citizens Affairs Chairperson Belinda Galo, Alab Oriente Senior Citizen’s Association President Ruby Mangagley, and personnel from the Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office.

Tudlong expressed his appreciation for Todyog’s long and fruitful life and emphasized the local government unit’s commitment to upholding the welfare of its elderly population and ensuring they are well cared for and celebrated.

“I am honored to be able to pay tribute to lolo Herbert ‘Ikit’ Todyog, a man who exemplifies the spirit of our community. His legacy has shaped Bontoc into the vibrant and dynamic town we know today. Through this financial incentive, we hope to convey our deepest gratitude and appreciation for his tireless dedication and unwavering commitment to our community,” he said.

105-year-old lolo Todyog, known for his sharp mind, shared a few words of wisdom and gratitude during the visit. He expressed his appreciation for the recognition he received and wished everyone good health.

He is the first recipient of the municipal grant, as stipulated by Ordinance 354, s. 2022, which was enacted to ensure deserving individuals like lolo Todyog receive support and appreciation from the local government.

The ordinance further acknowledges their significant contributions as well as their resilience, strength, and wisdom accumulated over a century of life experiences. – Christy Mae F. Che-es