July 27, 2024

TABUK CITY, Kalinga – Sixteen former rebels in Kalinga are ready for competency assessment to qualify for national certification on driving.
Of the 16, 12 completed the 15-day training on driving provided by the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority. Four former rebels who earlier learned how to drive will also be assessed.
Tesda earlier offered members of the Kalinga Returnees Association (KRA) 100 slots for driving.
A female former rebel also completed basic computer literacy training at the Provincial Training Center. She was advised to enhance her skills by training on computer system servicing at any Tesda-accredited technical-vocational training institute where she can avail of a scholarship slot.
Tesda Provincial Director Victor Brioso invited former rebels to avail of free trainings being offered by government to equip them with the skills to pursue livelihood ventures and make them productive citizens.
He encouraged the KRA-Balbalan Chapter to form a cooperative in order to avail of package assistance from government agencies.
Provincial Legal Officer Ken Emery Martinez assured members of the KRA that the provincial government is ready to extend assistance. “We are establishing skills profiling for your group so that the provincial government can help you get employed,” he said.
Provincial DILG Director Mayer Max Adong committed to conduct seminars for the group.
He urged them to participate in community affairs, take steps towards disciplining themselves for others to emulate. – Peter A. Balocnit