July 27, 2024

LAGAWE, Ifugao – National and local government officials enjoined the 23 recovering drug personalities here who successfully completed  their 18-month  after care program to continue aiming for a peaceful and progressive life, and to help in the anti-drugs campaign of the government.
The recovering drug personalities finished different community-based activities with the supervision of local anti-drug abuse councils. They received certificates of completion and medals during their graduation ceremony held at Poblacion North witnessed by their family members.
Ifugao Police Provincial Office Director Col. James Mangili praised the recovering drug personalities for completing their aftercare program.
“Continue to be assets in your community so that others may follow your good deeds,” he said.
Mangili asked them to help in the implementation of anti-drug programs to achieve a drug-free and peaceful community for the benefit of all stakeholders and the next generation.
Municipal Social Welfare and Development Officer Susana Gallangi said the municipal government is supportive of the anti-drug abuse programs of the government and the plans of the recovering drug personalities. – Marcelo B. Lihgawon