July 27, 2024

Three former rebels received P1.2 million worth financial assistance from the government under the Enhanced Comprehensive Local Integration Program (E-CLIP).
Gov. Ferdinand Tubban, Department of the Interior and Local Government Regional Director Marlo Iringan, and E-CLIP Committee members attended the awarding ceremonies last Feb. 24 at the Capitol.
The former rebels thanked the government for accepting them saying they are now one with government in helping convince remaining rebels to join mainstream society and live peaceful life.
“At the end of the day, it is government with the help of its citizens who will provide answers to our problems not through armed struggle,” one of the former rebels said.
Tubban also thanked the former rebels for trusting the government again. He assured that the provincial government is committed to render support to former rebels.
He extended the invitation for other rebels still who are in the mountains to avail of the re-integration program of government.
Iringan also told the former rebels that giving aid is how government treats its constituents.
“We are looking forward to that day when there will be no more conflicts – when government will save on resources. Instead of spending on law enforcement and military operations, the money can be used for health services,” he said.
E-CLIP is one of the flagship programs of President Rodrigo Duterte that seeks to address social healing and national unity toward the higher objective of having just and lasting peace.
It centralized all government efforts to reintegrate former rebels by intensifying the linkage of E-CLIP with the Pamana of the Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process. – Peter A. Balocnit