July 27, 2024

Of the 180 city government projects of 2020 amounting to P2.2 billion, 39 percent are implemented, 39 percent ongoing and 32 percent not yet implemented due mainly to the Covid-19 health crisis.
Implemented projects include online the building permit system of the City Buildings and Architecture Office; park development, sewer line and forestry projects under the City Environment and Parks Management Office; and promotion of urban gardening and organic farming by City Veterinary and Agriculture Office.
The conversion of Irisan dumpsite into an eco-park by General Services Office; execution of the Baguio Visita by the City Administration Office-Tourism Division; and the Public Information Office’s information campaign were also implemented, among others.
Ongoing projects are the socialized housing program spearheaded by the City Planning and Development Office; Smart city system: command center by the City Mayor’s Office; and the City Engineering Office’s sidewalk improvement project.
Also ongoing are the Baguio swimming pool rehabilitation by the City Administrator’s Office-Tourism Division; Baguio In My Pocket application; and Smart Flood Early Warning System by CPDO and City Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office.
Projects not yet implemented but to be pursued are the youth convergence and sports center by City Administrator’s Office-Sports Division; Burnham Lake Drive drainage by Cepmo; market development by City Treasury Office; Koha software library information system spearheaded by Library Division; the CMO’s fibertization project; and community-based monitoring system by CPDO.
CPDO coordinator Donna Tabangin said all local government programs, projects, and activities are implemented in line with the city’s 2019-2022 action plan. – Gaby B. Keith