July 27, 2024

■  Ofelia C. Empian 

Thirty-nine teams will vie for the title of the “biggest loser” as Benguet Capitol launched the third season of the weight-cutting competition for its employees.

This year’s competition will be per team – either all male or all female or mixed teams, according to Provincial Sports Coordinator Dean Mark Monang.

Monang said participants will be in a group of three where the total weight of all the members shall be added to be computed during the final weight loss weigh-in. 

“This will be the first time that it will be per group so that the members will encourage one another to lose weight. Losing weight while with a group works much better than losing weight on your own,” Monang said.

Patterned after the highly successful reality TV show, “The Biggest Loser”, the competition aims to look for the group of employees who lose the most weight after 10 weeks.

The initial weigh-in for the groups was last Oct. 9 to 11 and the final weigh-in is set in the second week of December. 

Computation of the weight loss percentage would be: initial weight minus final weight divided by the initial weight, multiplied by 100 percent.

Monang cited the result of the recent medical test of employees by the Provincial Health Office, which showed most of the employees are overweight. 

“We noticed that some of the employees during our inter-LGU games easily tire and out of breath,” he said.

Launched in 2019 and continued in 2021, Monang said the competition has been helpful to previous participants as they have continued to stay in shape even after the biggest loser  challenge ended. The event hopes to motivate employees to pursue a healthy lifestyle and to maintain it even without the competition. Winners will receive cash prizes other exciting prizes.