July 27, 2024

To continuously advocate earthquake resilient communities, the Cordillera Regional Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (Cordillera RDRRMC) through the Office of Civil Defense will spearhead the conduct of the 3rd quarter Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill (NSED) on Sept. 10 at 2 p.m.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and to follow biosafety protocols, the NSED will be conducted online with a ceremonial pressing of the button from national DRRMC to the local government units to signal the conduct of the duck, cover, and hold procedure.
During the planning meeting facilitated by OCD-Cordillera on Sept.2, all member-agencies of the Cordillera RDRRMC, local disaster risk reduction and management councils and barangay disaster risk reduction and management committees, stakeholders from the development and private sector, and the public are encouraged to join the drill; participate in all related activities online; and conduct information, education, and communication campaigns.
OCD-Cordillera Director Albert A. Mogol emphasized the need for all sectors of society, especially families to be prepared for earthquakes and enjoined the public to participate during the 3rd quarter NSED.
“Time and time again, let me stress out that earthquake can happen anytime. Hence, our proactive stance through our collaborative efforts in promoting earthquake preparedness is vital; and participating in this NSED is one of these (activities) ‘dahil bida ang handa’,” he said. – OCD release