July 27, 2024

The Communist Party of the Philippines is celebrating its 54th founding anniversary on Dec. 26.
This year is crucial for this organization, having survived after the death of its founding chair, Jose Maria Sison, in December last year. This year is also significant for the CPP with the signing of the Oslo Agreement for the possible resumption of the peace talks between the government and National Democratic Front. This came after five years of battling the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict. Such survival has been the highlight of their annual celebration and this will continue in the next years to come if the cycle of CPP recruitment is not stopped. This recruitment, described by former rebels as deceptive, will be more apparent with the impending resumption of peace talks. This has been attested to by many former rebels, who revealed the CPP anniversary serves as a ceremonial venue for recruits to join the ranks of the New Peoples Army, subsequently transforming young recruits into ravage terrorists.
The CPP anniversary erases the supposed celebration of family’s togetherness. Instead, it breaks families for a senseless cause, therefore, weakening the basic unit of society.
The CPP may boast of being champions of the “masses”, but they can never deny 54 years of delivering the youth to danger, spreading terror, and destroying families. This year, there should therefore be a louder, stronger, and united call to put an end to this terrorist group. Let it no longer survive for another five decades. No more deceptions. Stop communist terrorism. — WILSON ISICAN, Mountain Province