May 17, 2024

I’ve been watching the “The Divine Tales” on YouTube.
Essentially, its blogs have something to do with the end times. It tackles the present events to foretell the end of the world.
Many have come before the “Divine Tales” to predict the end of the world but most, if not all, miserably failed.
The persons, dates, and events that are involved in materializing the end of times did not coincide with what all of them said. They were all branded as false prophets. They ended up as laughing stocks.
The “Divine Tale,” by taking the recent events and aligning it with the strictures of several religions, tells that the end times are already here. It says that the prevailing pandemic is a precursor to what will inevitably happen. It is as frightening as it is amusing.
Yet, there must be a semblance of truth to what the “Divine Tales” speculates, though I do not agree that it is the pandemic that will bring forth the termination of life. If ever, there is a more portent event that may trigger the end of the world. This event is the probability of a war among nations.
Already, there are flashpoints of a world war.
In recent months, China has ventured to expand its territory. It encroached on the exclusive economic zones of several countries like the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Indonesia.
It flexed its muscles and barred these countries from exploring and exploiting their own islands.
What is more, the Chinese military aggressively intimidated Taiwan by mounting a series of military operations via air and sea to assert its claim of sovereignty over its claimed province. Taiwan did not see this fit and is preparing for an all-out war to defend itself.
With the assistance of the United States of America, this war might, if it will materialize, end all other wars.
Hence, based on the expansionist mood of China, the world is closer to war than we think. We are in denial because we are afraid.
As articulated by U.S, Defense Sec. Lloyd Austin in his recent speech: “It looks a lot like them exploring their true capabilities. It looks a lot like rehearsal. China is the only power now capable of using its economic, diplomatic, and technological powers to mount a sustained challenge to a stable and open international system.”
Indeed, if China does not stop its opportunistic policies, time will come when other bullied nations will band together to fight. If that happens, expect all hell to break loose. Then, the foretold end of the world shall come to pass.