May 7, 2024

IN AN EARLIER issue – before that of last Sunday, June 27, and before, our discussions laboured around ‘Split-Level’ Christianity – not in the international sense, but as applying, locally – in ‘these Heights’, or ditoy Kabanbantayan (see Supra. for details)
OUR LITTLE BUT ‘open’ discussions inspired some readers to shoot some questions and/or comments like:
“SO WHAT DO you suggest we tell those new Bunjags (converts): that they be ‘forewarned’ about being ‘Split-Levels’ later on.. or sooner? or
“THAT THEY BETTER adhere now – strictly if possible, to their new non-traditional ways – of belief, practice, and thinking? or
“THAT THEY NOW stay as good Bunjags – and meanwhile observing the advantageous ‘remnants’ of their former generational ways – for their own present ‘adjustments’? And
“WHAT ABOUT MODIFICATIONS or ‘Adaptations’ to the new Bunjag life, ways, and beliefs? Ever stopped to ponder on those – before this big decision of yours to be a full-stratum Bunjag?”
AND SO ON. As for comments and observations, let me share some – intimately explained or lengthly texted:
‘YOU’RE RIGHT ON the “Levels and degrees” – of being a ‘Split-Level’, especially locally. Many times we are witnesses to ‘purely-religious’ and/or pious families and individuals – almost very impressive..
‘BUT WHEN ENGULFED by what some call ‘family pride-and-tradition’, they go back to the original ways – and hold or perform this or that ‘descendant’s requirement’ – out of ‘social pressure’; or, just for mere ‘compliance to the Elders’? Or, in recognition, or because of familial loyalty – to the hosting, fulfilling, non-Bunjag kin of theirs?’ And then
‘WHEN ALL SMOKE has cleared, they’re back to their recent-former selves: as dedicated, clearly-adhering (and practicing) ‘new’ Bunjags Converts. [And this one other observer]:
“BUT SOMETIMES TOO, we cannot exact consistency pure (or ‘almost’, at least) in people. Somehow, they have to be at-harmony, maki-bagay, with their neighbours, and at most times with their kindred and family ‘lines’ – notably in these localities of ours. [And joined by another observer]:
“SOME CORDIS WHEN feeling ‘pressed’ by Culture and/or Tradition in the villages, move to the City. They say they can have freeier ways of handling things thereat.’
“THEY CAN DECIDE better from a little distance. So that, if an occasion, ritual, or feast is being hatched in the villages by their non-Bunjag kin, they have ample time to think about it: will they later join? will they just send some material assistance and assure the villagers of their ‘moral support’ anyway? will they just say. “Congratulations kin of mine, Agui, and please enjoy the event!” And so on? But dear readers:
THE STARK TRUTH is: nowadays, numerous too can we find ‘Split-Levels’ [note:] of varying’ degrees’ (or levels) of being such.
IT REMAINS ‘TOO ideal’ to find a true Bunjag – heart and mind, though we cannot claim either it is impossible; so Hello, Split-Level! Auihh Kha!