May 4, 2024

Just read an article published last April 28, by Xianne Arcangel for CNN Philippines about the “New Normal” bill.
According to the article, Speaker Alan Peter Cayetano and his colleagues on Monday filed House Bill 6623 or the “New Normal for the Workplace and Public Spaces Act,” which seeks to institutionalize a new way of life amid the Covid-19 pandemic. “It will involve the mandatory wearing of face masks in public places and physical distancing. There will also be drastic changes in how people work and move. If the bill is passed into law, it will be effective for three years or shorter if the national government declares that the threat of the Covid-19 has been eradicated.”
The “New Normal” bill has a lot of provisions. It is best to go and read it and see what is in store for all of us.
With the advent of the Covid-19, thoughts that come to mind are, “Where will we be after three months, six months, a year?” What will be its effects on our jobs, our health, the economy, our family, and our way of life? It has definitely brought positive effects on the environment. The plants and flowers have recovered. The streets are cleaner. Business and work systems are going on line or work from home. Delivery services are the new norm.
There is even a report “that the largest hole ever observed in the ozone layer over the Arctic has closed,” says Copernicus’ Atmospheric Monitoring Service. “Although the closing has nothing to do with the reduction in pollution caused by having much of the world on the Covid-19 lockdown.” With all these scenarios, I wonder if people really understand the implications of Covid-19 and the “new normal”.
As part of the senior citizen sector, the quarantine has brought about some drastic measures. Not being able to go out has curtailed movement for the vulnerable sectors. There are very specific guidelines for those who are 60 years old and above, and 21 and below with the enhanced community quarantine and the general community quarantine.
This pandemic, which brought about the “new normal,” is mainly focused on survival with less contact. The silent enemy has also stolen our focus on the Almighty. It has kept our hearts in fear and anxiety. It has brought stupor. But now is the time to reflect and to call on Him who directs all things in this earth and the universe. We must have hope and faith that God is listening and will deliver us from this pandemic. There should be more calls for prayers globally. After all, miracles do happen. We should keep ourselves busy with work at home exercising, inventing or reinventing new things to work on, maintaining contacts with family from far and near. It’s God’s time now more than ever. Let’s do the “heart math,” of extending love to all, as Gregg Braden would say. The new normal should be spreading love by all means.
Happy birthday, Sam Hamada! And a blessed celebration of Labor Day.