May 14, 2024

Let us never remove our sufferings, persecutions, humiliations, hurts, and pains from the salvific suffering of Jesus. These crosses in life can lead us to a better outlook in life.
We will unknowingly find out that Jesus is lifting us from our predicament and making our humble cross a participation in the journey to holiness.
Big or small, every cross, if seen in the salvific cross of Jesus, will turn to victory over evils in the world.
Every trial and test will become elements of purification and maturity.
Any cross that is founded on honesty and humility will be lifted and exulted by the Man on the Cross who gave a new meaning to the wood of the cross and the pain on the cross.
St. Paul to the Philippians 2:6-11 says, Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death even death on a cross. Therefore, God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on Earth and under the Earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Jesus never deemed equality with God something to be grasped at but rather he emptied himself for the salvation of humanity. Jesus is the best example of humility and honesty. He never boasted and he never cheated people and the Father.
Jesus defeated physical pain and physical death by his humility and honesty to undergo suffering and death. He triumphed to give the cross no longer as a sign of defeat, punishment, and crime but something that signifies our salvation and a plus sign in mathematics that with Jesus our life becomes more meaningful and productive.

I can hardly forget that significant someone who told me, “You know people don’t like your songs.”
I felt bad upon hearing it. I was frustrated but I simply responded, “Don’t worry if they don’t like my songs, I am sorry for them. In God’s time people will like it.”
Despite the painful remark, I did not take it against him. For sometimes I was depressed and anxious but I prayed over it. I prayed for healing and stronger moral confidence.
I continued to ask the Lord to purify my intentions in music and to always direct it for his glory. That is why even if people do not like my songs, I did not stop composing and writing. Now, I have a thick compilation of songs. Maybe in God’s time people in another generation will sing them to praise God.
My simple life lessons: Let us not be easily dismayed when people will not appreciate our work, or when they put down our work to the point of influencing others to dislike our work;
Let us not be motivated to compete with others at the workplace but simply give our best at work. Competition will destroy the work, the workplace, and the working relationship. Instead, we collaborate and complement;
Let us not be focused on wages or salaries. Focus instead on having quality output and God will take charge for the voluntary treasure, time, and talent at the work;
When people dislike you or your good works, pray for them and do not hate them. Be good to them. That is magnanimity. Whatever their reason for hating or disliking you, find joy in your work and keep doing good;
Arts and music are creative tools to promote peace and attract the soul for justice and peace;
Humility and honesty will always be our values and foundations of success;
God must always be the beginning, center and end of our work.
Reach me at [email protected].