July 27, 2024

It was the distance between me and my friend that forced me to invite her into a conversation last Tuesday. We were at the same peak of our emotions so we thought of telling random stories about what had happened in La Union.
Despite our spontaneous decision to go there, I still cannot believe that our outing actually happened. We were already intoxicated and covered with sand so we headed back to Ethan’s, took a long shower, and continued mixing drinks.
At first, there were only four of us at Ethan’s, then we booked another hostel when two of our friends said they are coming too. We spent another day relishing life at the beach, indulging in food, and flaunting our beach outfits.
Aware that our next beach trip would not happen for a while, we savored leisurely strolls while exchanging stories. As the night fell, our conversations were going deeper and deeper. We told our own stories of love, family, and friends. It was the best night to remember as this was only the time we went outside having the opportunity to connect beyond our usual place.
On our way back home, we cranked the music on and went back into our homes. We put on our jackets and socks because we knew it would be freezing out in Baguio City at night.
In the following weeks, life returned to its usual routine: I resumed work, while the others returned to their studies.
I missed going out there, embracing sleepless nights, freely spending our own money, and returning home with sunburn and tired eyes.
Through this experience, I learned the true value of friendship – an invaluable form of therapy that doesn’t come with a price tag, but enriches every day. I know that Trisha will never forget what happened there, the things I unexpectedly discovered, and the person whom I met at the beach front.
So, to my friends out there, when will be our next beach trip?