July 27, 2024

The road to pursuing our personal legend and the journey it takes may define our purpose if not give meaning to our existence. Along the course of our journey is a discovery that leads to self edification, empowerment, and may even give birth to leaving a legacy that will impact generations after generations.
After years spent of studying and becoming a nurse, I found myself in a rural area serving the community. Being the assigned nurse in different communities under the Human Resource for Health of the Department of Health, I considered this whole experience as a journey I would wish to travel all over again. It is a journey I would never trade with something else because not only was it an opportunity to aid me financially and feed my family but it also led me to a path I am forever be grateful for.
A community nurse is a job that should never be taken for granted, for it’s a job that summons all the positive and negative vibes in nature. Given the opportunity to be one is accounted to the greatest experience that I’ve ever had that serve as my foundation to be the nurse I am right now. It is a bumpy ride with the people you are going to serve, the people you are going to work with, the terrains, and the job itself. Yet again, the bumpy ride takes you to the best view you could ever experience that life has to offer.
My years of service here in the community has led me to understand that health problems in our society are inter-related with the rampant issues in politics, socio-economic, and people’s culture among many others. It made me realize these health problems are as vast as the universe, thus, it cannot only be solved by just a fraction of one or two individuals or even a couple of agencies. Again, just like what many people whose hearts are for better healthcare services and had even fought for this cause, the simplest solution is the collaborative effort and unity of the whole community, the incorruptible support of the government or non-government, private sector, and other agencies.
However, even my years of experience as a community nurse and all of my efforts in rendering services to the people are just tiny drops in the bucket. Once again, the face of poverty is still one of the major underlying causes of poor health in the far-flung areas. I considered myself blessed for having the opportunity to serve the people and also witness right in front of my eyes the heart-breaking reality of health conditions in my own hometown. It is undeniable that life in remote places which have not been reached by civilization yet is certainly difficult. Amidst all these distressing health issues and challenges I’ve encountered, I can honestly say that it has paved way for my professional and personal growth as a citizen and a health care provider. Indeed, my experiences taught me more than what I learned from school. In fact, some of the things I learned through my service and interactions with different people and agencies cannot compare to what I have learned within the four walls of the classroom and years spent in college. Again, that is the true reward of being able to serve the community as a nurse or whatever profession – we become more knowledgeable, competent, and more importantly, we create a vision not only for ourselves but more so for the humanity regardless of the challenges and endless problems.
As a health care provider, I would love to say that my experiences empowered me to effectively deliver the best health service I could. Living with the people in the most remote places transformed my perspective in life and my profession to become a better version of myself in rendering service to the community.
I am more than inspired and motivated to continue to serve despite the pandemic that we are battling now. Inspired because I found happiness in doing my work despite the struggles, frustrations, and problems that I encounter. And yes, at times, this job is stressful and exhausting due to some problems and conflicts within the group but then again, I believe these can be resolved.
I am also motivated because with to the outpouring support and solidarity, from barangay officials to health workers and nutrition scholars, to my co-workers, to the community and of course through the leadership of my rural health midwife, the health team has achieved the planned activities that uphold the truest essence of health care service.
My experience led me to understand and realize better that to attain a developed community, it needs a strong foundation of the health care system – one that deeply strives and driven to care for the people. Yes, we are here because of the people and we serve because of the people. (GERGENZON T. DELFIN)