July 27, 2024

“Kindness is not an act, it’s a lifestyle,”Anthony Douglas Williams.
“Kindness, the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate, is a lifestyle. A lifestyle that we choose every moment of every day. Some of us find kindness easy, especially toward those we like.”

The pandemic confused us with negative results being positive for us and vice versa positive results being negative for us. However, there are a lot positive things happening around like kindness and compassion.
Out of the goodness of our hearts we now tend to be more giving, more attentive, more thankful and more appreciative. Being on lockdown and quarantine has given people a brighter view of life, similar to the song of Louis Armstrong, “What a Wonderful World.” Appreciating things that we normally take for granted.

There is a realization that if you have more, you should give more. And because freedom to enjoy things in life has been curtailed for a while and is now slowly easing back, people have become more generous and giving. Maybe this generosity can be observed in people giving more tips and sharing food. It has probably awakened a better lifestyle.

Hence with this new lifestyle, everything is beautiful. We tend to be less entitled and less opinionated. We bow and acknowledged that things have changed. After all, change is relative.

I have come across plenty of good people during the pandemic, be they the guy who opens your taxi door, the clerk who attends to your banking needs, the waiter who serves your food, the bill collector, the service men from the Baguio Water District or the Benguet Electric Cooperative, the person who answers the phone, the friend or relative who helps you with your needs, the heaven-sent people who has out of the blue offered you incentives, the agent who answers your irate calls, etc.

Therefore, be appreciative, smile and give an appreciation gesture.

We now tend to notice that there is kindness everywhere. We now tend to magnify everything that is beautiful and appreciate everything around us, people, places and things. Awards, medals, recognitions are really just that. Material things.

In times of crisis, the most important thing is life, love, patience and kindness. There is nothing else to prove.