July 27, 2024

BANGUED, Abra – The Bureau of Fire Protection-Abra heightened its alert on the protection of pine forests in Licuan-Baay following four fire incidents in Barangay Bonglo last year.
BFP-Abra Fire Marshall Roberto Cadiente Aragon the Municipal Fire Station of Licuan-Baay and Lagangilang are coordinating with the barangay local government units in the implementation of proactive measures against possible forest fire outbreaks.
He also instructed the BFP personnel to partner with the barangay LGUs near the areas with recent fire incidents to conduct road cleaning and clearing operations.
“As we approach the summer season, we celebrate the annual Fire Prevention Month and for this year, we will be concentrating on preventing forest fires in the pine areas of Licuan-Baay,” he said.
Barangay Bonglo has massive pine forests and there are government projects being implemented in the area particularly the geo-net installation project of the Department of Public Works and Highways along landslide-prone areas.
“We continue to remind our fellow Abrenians to refrain from smoking in these areas as the materials of the geo-net project are extremely flammable,” Aragon said.
He also raised concern on the manner of harvesting the local delicacy called “abuos” or the pupae of the red weaver ants where gatherers use fire smoke to drive the ants away to harvest the eggs efficiently.
“Forest firefighting is very challenging since we do not have any capability to rapidly stop it as it requires equipment such as air tankers to extinguish the fire quickly. So we really need to raise the awareness of the people on this concern to prevent forest fires from happening,” Aragon said.
The BFP recorded a total of 35 fire incidents in 2021 and 29 in 2022.
Out of 27 towns in the province, only 14 have established fire stations.
The BFP is still coordinating with the other LGUs for the establishment of permanent fire stations. – Christian Allister Tubadeza