July 27, 2024

BANGUED, Abra – Health workers and rural health units in Abra were given recognition for their sacrifices and efforts to deliver quality healthcare amidst recent challenges in the local health system.

Through the Local Health Systems Performance Awards Provincial Department of Health Office (PDOHO) head Lilibeth Martin said the award, the very first this year, aims to boost the morale of health workers benefitting the organization, the local health system, and the community.

“We’ve been through a lot of things starting from the pandemic and other outbreaks in the past. Dakkel ti sakripisyo ti health workers tayo. While it’s true nga kunada agsu-sueldo kayo met, the sacrifices, the love, and the commitment that you give to our people is beyond compare, and we would like to acknowledge and appreciate that formally,” Martin said.

The awards program that also seeks to motivate all workers in the health system, awarded RHUs and health teams for their outstanding performance on various health programs included in the eight-point agenda of Health Secretary Teodoro J. Herbosa.

These programs include tuberculosis prevention, promoting safe drinking water, disease surveillance and response, blood donation, nutrition, and Covid-19 vaccination.

The following RHUs were presented a certificate of recognition and P10,000 incentive for their accomplishments:  Danglas RHU for recording the highest blood donation rate, Daguioman  for posting the highest percentage of households using safely managed drinking water, San Quintin and Bangued RHUs  for having the most functional Municipal Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit, and Bucloc RHU  as the best performing TB DOTS facility.

Lagangilang RHU was also awarded a certificate and cash incentive for its non-communicable disease program while Tubo RHU received the same rewards for its family planning program.

The RHUs of Manabo, Luba, and Bangued were recognized as Adolescent Friendly Health Facility Level 3 while the RHUs of Lacub, Lagangilang, Peñarrubia, San Quintin, Tayum, Tineg, and La Paz were awarded as Adolescent Friendly Health Facility Level 1.

The province of Abra and other RHUs were also recognized for their performances in improving the nutritional status of their communities, particularly in reducing stunting and wasting prevalence based on the Oplan Timbang Plus conducted in 2022.

Provincial Health Officer II Maria Cristina Cabrera congratulated the awardees and extended her gratitude to the Provincial Health Office and PDHO for their great work to ensure efficient and effective healthcare services. – Jam Malingan and Rachelle Joy Alvis