July 27, 2024

BANGUED, Abra – The new acting mayor of this capital town wants local government employees to strictly follow the Covid-19 health protocols in wake of the increasing cases in the province.
On her first day as acting mayor on Aug. 11, Vice Mayor Mila Valera convened the department heads and reminded them to strictly follow health protocols in their respective offices.
She also announced that all the employees will soon undergo mass rapid testing.
Valera also met with the Department of the Interior and Local Government, the municipal police, and barangay officials to be updated on the progress and challenges of each barangay in addressing the pandemic. Discussions included the status of barangay isolation units.
The mayor also met with owners of funeral parlors in Bangued where implementation of stricter protocols during wakes was discussed.
Only three to four days of wake will be allowed to lessen mass gatherings and prolonged exposure of those who will attend the wake.
Valera took over from sangguniang bayan member Joaquin Enrico Valera Bernos who became the acting mayor of the capital town last year after the Office of the Ombudsman ordered the dismissal of Mayor Dominic Valera and suspension of the vice mayor for a year for grave misconduct in a decision released on June 24, 2019. Her one year suspension ended last Aug. 10. – PIA release