July 27, 2024

Freebies await chosen couples who apply for a marriage license at the City Health Services Office (CHSO) from Feb. 7 to 14.
Councilor Elmer Datuin, who presided over the marriage week meeting last week, said tokens will be given in celebration of Marriage Week, which will be launched during the city hall flag raising ceremony on Feb. 6.
Datuin, chair of city council committee on social services, women, and urban poor; and Councilor Lilia Fariñas, chair of the council committee on tourism, special events, parks and playground committee shall provide the rationale of the week-long celebration during the flag raising ceremonies, lead the unfurling of the calendar of activities, and introduce the members of the steering committee.
On Feb. 9, a kapihan forum will be held with Datuin and Fariñas as members of the panel, along with representatives from the Local Civil Re-gistrar, family court, Baguio City Police Office, Department of Education, regional and city social welfare and development offices, CHSO, faith-based groups, and the Population on Commission.
Data, information, plans, programs, and activities on marriage shall be discussed during the forum.
Datuin said the celebration of Marriage Week is worldwide. For Baguio, the event is anchored on Ordinance 10, s. 2017 which provides a week with mass weddings, marriage counseling, and seminars and workshops will be held to promote the significance of marriage.
Reaffirmation of vows, recognition of the longest married couple, romantic couples’ date, film showing, parades, concerts and articles on marriage in print and social media are encouraged even after the marriage week.
On Valentine’s Day, a marriage forum for a stronger family is scheduled for couples as identified by the social worker in charge of the section/district.
From Feb. 10 to 15, interested individuals may contact their section social workers to join modular sessions on family life development/family development at the City Social Welfare and Development Office in Upper Session Road.
On March 2, a renewal of vows is scheduled for those married for 25 years and above, with screening to be done at the CSWDO.
There will also be marriage enrichment counseling at the City Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office on March 14.
All activities should further uphold the strengthening the value of marriage towards a productive Filipino family and a transformed society pursuant to the ordinance.
The theme for this year’s celebration is “One flesh, given and received.” – Julice G. Fianza