July 27, 2024

LA TRINIDAD, Benguet – Registry of Deeds-Benguet Head Guerrero A. Felipe released to the Department of Agrarian Reform the first computerized Title (c-Title) under the project “Support to Parcelization of Lands for Individual Titling (SPLIT)” of DAR.
Its realization is through the directive of DAR-Cordillera Director Eugene P. Follante to fast track the subdivision of Collective Certificate of Land Ownership Award (CCLOA) titles to pave way for each farmer beneficiaries to have full ownership and possession of the land they are tilling.
Provincial Agrarian Reform Program Officer II of DAR-Benguet Virginia D. Aycud said the first registered c-Title, in the name of Jerome Simeon and Christine Simeon, with an area of 2.0285 and 2.0283 hectares, respectively, located at Kayapa, Bakun, Benguet were registered on Feb. 23. It will be awarded to the beneficiaries soon.
Aycud said the subject c-Titles emanated from the CCLOA OCT-CLOA-11596, originally registered on Dec. 21, 2009, subdivided into two lots, which were eventually titled under the Project SPLIT of DAR.
An aggregate area of 87.6657 has. in Benguet are on process for registration at the ROD, of which 4.1796 hectares are located in Bakun, 16.1602 has. in Kapangan, and 67.3261 has. in Kibungan.
For transmittal to ROD for eventual generation of c-Titles are 81.7207 has. in Tuba and 40.2681 has. in Tublay.
A c-Title is a derivative/subsequent title generated and issued to individual agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs) and/or group of ARBs, adopted by DAR under Project SPLIT.
It is a result of the subdivision or parcelization of CCLOAs previously registered and issued to a group of ARBs by DAR for landholdings covered and awarded CARP.
Project SPLIT was signed and approved by the World Bank and the government and became effective on Oct. 9, 2020 to parcelize the landholdings collectively titled by DAR under the CCLOA title. – Rhino Pellis