September 15, 2024

Department of Agriculture Sec. William Dar was honored as recipient of the first Benguet State University’s Centennial Alumni Lifetime Achievement Award during the virtual praise awards program recently.

The program was a highlight of the celebration of BSU’s 105th foundation anniversary and in observance of the BSU Alumni Association, Inc. (BSUAAI) centennial since its founding in 1920.

Dr. Lita  Molitas Colting, administrative officer and ad  hoc member of the BSUAA, Inc. Board, said the award is the highest distinction given to individuals who gave exemplary service with honesty and dignity in building institutions to meet the challenges of the times.

BSU President Felipe S. Comila said the accolade is fitting for Dar, BSU’s very own graduate and a colleague who has risen from the ranks and achieved a prominent position in the country and in the international sphere.

Dar finished his degree in Bachelor in Agricultural Education and Masters in Agronomy when the BSU was still Mountain State Agricultural College.

He joined the school as a faculty member and later  rose to the position of vice president for Research and Development and Consortium Coordinator of the Highland Agricultural Research Center, now Cordillera Consortium for Agriculture, Aquatic Resources Research and Development.

At HARC, he pioneered projects such as the Village Level Management Approach Project and Highland Research Development Program, with funding from Ford Foundation and the Highland Agricultural Development Project.

He was appointed as director of the Bureau of Agricultural Research, Department of Agriculture and later as Director General of the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Aquatic Resources Research and Development,  and appointed acting DA secretary.

He led the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, based in Hydcrabad, lndia for two terms and the first Filipino and Asian to serve as its director-general.

His stint earned him awards from Indian Prime Minister Abdul Kalaam.

Dar thanked BSU, saying for 105 years, BSU has continued to be the center of quality education and training for sustainable development. – Press release