July 27, 2024

Peace and order is one of the foundations of development in the countryside. It is not only a job that law enforcers swore to accomplish but more importantly, a task of the community.
Sagada, Mountain Province is known not only for its tourism industry but also with the initiatives of its locals to safeguard the welfare and wellbeing of the umili.
Among the community initiatives taking part in their role in maintaining peace and order in northern barangays of Sagada is the Timpuyog ti kalalakihan ti amianan iti Sagada (TKAS).
TKAS is an organization composed of men, mostly elders, fathers, and young adults of the northern barangays of Sagada – Bangaan, Aguid, Tanulong, Fidelisan, Pide, and Madongo.
This all-men organization aims to maintain a peaceful community through monitoring and conducting surveillance. They also function as emergency and response team during disasters and community-related conflicts.
The organization was formed after an incident in central Sagada where a woman from northern Sagada became a victim of a crime in 2015.
After the incident, elders of northern Sagada convened a tungtungan (dialogue) and agreed to establish the TKAS.
At the time of inception, John Bomowey headed the all-male organization until membership grew over the years.
TKAS conducts patrol at 8 p.m. Heightened alert is also observed during special celebrations such as the town’s foundation day and Etag Festival.
“Fiesta is a common venue for crime activities, as such, TKAS prevent unnoticed activities through monitoring and surveillance,” said Bomowey, now the TKAS adviser.
He added that as a matter of concern during activities, TKAS build their tents where they can stay for the whole night until the fiesta is done.
TKAS also serves as an on-call response team in times of emergency such us landslide and fire incidents.
As Bomowey remembered during Typhoon Ompong, TKAS is among the partner organization of law enforcers and disaster response teams when a landslide occurred on the community and damaged some properties and electric posts.
According to Rita, a resident of Barangay Bangaan, the community gives high respect to the TKAS for ensuring peace and order in the community.
“Nabawasan ti gulo ditoy ayan mi nang-runa idi nabuo ti TKAS ta ada ti manganawa nu saan maanawa ti tanod,” she said.
“Conducting patrols and responding in times of emergency is never easy,” said Bomowey.
However, as men are seen as guardians, TKAS is dedicated and committed to its mission of keeping the northern part of Sagada safe for its people. — Coores Celoy