July 27, 2024

Flattening the curve is a euphemism; a fancy way of saying the pandemic has or is about to ease up, based naturally on contact tracing and the lesser number of patients confined or being admitted by the different hospitals.
Now, if Filipinos were less obstinate and not pigheaded morons, ignoring warnings to wear masks when stepping out of the house, refusing to observe physical distancing, then, maybe, just maybe, things may be looking up, unless a new strain appears from out of nowhere, with Chinese inscriptions indicating its origin – made in China.
Ironic. Products from China do not last long, but it looks like the pandemic is here to stay.

But what escapes medical authorities is that it is quarantine itself that is fatal – patients left all alone with other afflicted they hardly know and can’t exchange notes with.
No visitors bringing flowers and fruits to cheer them up, no papers to read, no TV, and no cellphone to call the girlfriend.
You die not from the virus but from depression.

What am I trying to say? If found positive, I would rather stay home and die or recover from the Covid-19.
In any hospital, my mind and body constitution will give way to loneliness and that will surely kill me.
Why do you think folks still get together, aware of the dangers posed by gatherings?
Being bunched together exchanging funny stories and gossip is what keeps our spirits alive.

In front of a TV camera and a mic before his mouth, a peanut who dropped out of grade school will venture an opinion on the Chinese invasion of the Spratly Islands, so he can later regale listeners that before the public eye, he warned the Chinese to back off.
Layas Intsik, amin ang lupang ‘yan. Inangkin mo na lahat – negosyo, pati na rin ang aming magagandang chicks.
Layas, layas, isama niyo ang inyong kaibigan at parokyanong Rodrigo.
His 15 minutes of fame.

Not too long ago, the politicians and media were imploring China to please commute the death sentence meted out by a Chinese court to a Filipina drug mule found guilty of drug trafficking.
We were a nation united, storming the Great Wall, begging the Chinese authorities for compassion and mercy for one of our own.
Like in the case of Flor Contemplacion, even if it fell on deaf ears, we were relentless in our pleas up to the very last hour.
A new life was all was asked for countrymen sentenced by foreign courts for some offense or another.

American Lance Corporal Joseph Scott Pemberton is pardoned by President Rodrigo Duterte and the howls of protests are heard far and wide – from Liza Soberano to Leni Robredo, who needs to speak out on every issue, if only to earn mega points until 2022 comes along.
Happily, like my fellow tong-its player puts it, “She can do or say anything. She will never win. Truth, she didn’t even win in the last exercise.”
Ah, ambition, thy name is Eve.

The average Pinoy dreams of having a house of his own, preferably two vehicles, a van for family use and outings, and a small limo that he can drive to and from work.
Add money in the bank saved over the years for the kid’s college education, and out comes a happy month.
If the opportunity arises, he will seize the day, like what PhilHealth officials did with the taxpayer’s money.
Or a thousand dollars for every Chinese migrant who enters the country via the backdoor.
All that could mean a vacation house in some resort town like Baguio, a good-sized enough condo in good old Manila, and a little sports car he can tinker with in his spare time.
Maybe a Caribbean ocean cruise, a tour of Europe after visiting kin and other loved ones in the United States.

But, for the Chinese, the dream includes a hotel and shopping mart, an offshore account just in case they get thrown out once the really good guys take over the country.

But the truly greedy one is China itself. Occupying property belonging to other nations, trying hard to make the China dream come true and a nightmare to others – the sleeping giant comes alive, ready to devour small Asian countries like the Philippines.
Dito na lang, sa kanila lahat ang negosyo, lahat ng Miss Philippines at artista sa cinema at television.
Puno ang kanilang bulsa ng pera at politico.

The three Bs are their principal weapons – bullying, bribery, at bola-bola.
Galing mo mayor, ganda ng Baguio, malinis. ‘Di gaya noong araw, baho, puro basura.

But blame not them, but ourselves.

Boracay along Manila Bay – If the people are happy as they once were when the Baywalk was made a lover’s paradise, strolling hand-in-hand, sipping coffee while whispering sweet nothings to each other, or just peacefully watching the sunset.
Until politics got into the picture. Getting back at his foe and former ally, the brainchild of Lito Atienza was scuttled by Alfredo Lim.
It is the same thing today, why not let DENR Sec. Roy Cimatu finish his project. Let’s see how it turns out for the people of Manila.
Palagay ko, mayroon na naman salita galing kay Robredo. KSP kasi.