July 27, 2024

As the nation eagerly anticipates the 2nd State of the Nation Address (SONA) of the President on July 24, the government is proud to unveil its new brand, “Bagong Pilipinas”.
This brand represents the national government’s commitment to transform and uplift our beloved nation, building a brighter future for all Filipinos.
Under the leadership of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., the Bagong Pilipinas brand embodies the government’s renewed focus on implementing an all-inclusive plan for economic and social transformation. It symbolizes our determination to create a Philippines that is dynamic and globally competitive.
To realize this, the government must address a problem that has been haunting the country for decades – insurgency.
To address insurgency, military operations, peace negotiations, social and economic reforms have been implemented.
The approach changed during the Duterte administration when government agencies and the private sector joined hands to address the political and socio-economic needs of the people who are being lured to join the armed groups. A significant progress has been attained in the campaign against insurgency.
This progress should be sustained under the Bagong Pilipinas campaign.
Bagong Pilipinas will remain steadfast in its commitment to lead the country towards a future that is free from threats posed by groups whose aim is to overthrow the government.
Putting an end to the revolution being pushed by such groups will boost the country’s attainment of a sustainable economic and social transformation, guided by its comprehensive eight-point socio-economic agenda that fosters active participation of all stakeholders.
Bagong Pilipinas signals an era of hope, progress, and unity. I therefore call all fellow Filipinos to support the new campaign by actively participating in nation-building. Together, we can build a future where the aspirations and dreams of every Filipino can be realized. We can propel the nation towards a true Bagong Pilipinas. — MA LOUISA FOLIGAN, Benguet