July 27, 2024

Donations in support to the City of Baguio’s pursuit of development towards a ‘Smart City’ keep pouring in.
Two softwares were installed Sept. 14 at the Management Information Technology Division to supplement the contact tracing capability by crowd density monitoring and the other software is for real-time weather prediction.
Oculis Technologies, Inc. president Ricky Palad said the crowd density monitoring software works hand-in-hand with the contact tracing system of Baguio using 19 closed circuit television cameras already installed by the city government.
An application can be downloaded on the phones of authorities and officials to monitor crowding of people or density of people in a certain place. Authorities can dispatch personnel to disperse and check on adherence to physical distancing.
Palad said the software may also be linked to CCTVs of establishments, which can allow the city to have an eye on everything that the cameras can get. 
Another app donated to the city is a weather disturbance computer application that allows real time monitoring of the weather systems supplemental to forecast of Pagasa.
Using a smart weather camera, it can predict the weather disturbance on five kilometer radius and know what will happen at a specific time.
“This morning I checked on the app and it says at past 1 p.m. onwards, the city will have a heavy rainfall,” which was what was happening at past 2 p.m. when Palad was explaining the app, Sept. 14.
Both computer applications were given to the city for free.
Mayor Benjamin Magalong said the computer applications are in line with the plan of his administration to build the first Smart City in the country, using technology for various programs on peace and order, anti-criminality and disaster risk reduction management.
The artificial intelligence can identify faces, license plates and more using the cameras on all corners of the city. – Jessa Mardy Samidan