July 27, 2024

Local drugstores have adequate supply of paracetamol and no incident of hoarding has yet been reported according to a health official.
“There is no reason for anybody to panic. Many companies in the country can produce these kinds of drugs so I don’t think there will be any shortage,” City Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit (CESU) head Donnabel Panes said in a press conference last Jan. 5.
Paracetamol is an over-the-counter drug that is generally safe to take even by those who are pregnant but Tubera cautioned on using the drug especially those who may have allergic reactions or are taking other medicines which could have counter effects to it.
“Let me assure the public that delays could possibly happen in the delivery of the medication but there will be no shortage problem in its supply,” she said.
It was reported earlier that certain paracetamol brands ran out of stock in several drugstores in some parts of the country but the Department of Health immediately assured the public that there is no prevailing shortage in paracetamol and other drugs for flu-like symptoms.
Meanwhile, Tubera advised the public to keep themselves warm by wearing extra layers of clothing since the cold weather could trigger strokes, heart attacks and other life-threatening diseases.
She said people should also hydrate themselves; take their annual medical check-up and have their blood checked; and for those with comorbidities like diabetes and high blood pressure to religiously take their maintenance medications.
“Let us not forget that more people die of stroke and heart diseases than Covid-19,” Tubera said.
Temperatures in Baguio have dipped to around 10 to 12 degrees Celsius in the past days. – Gaby B. Keith