July 27, 2024

The One Town One Product (OTOP) hub in Baguio reopened with new normal protocols in place.

The Cordillera Crafts and Productivity Center (CPC) is now fully open to serve consumers pat-ronizing products sold at the OTOP hub, Kapetirya, and Creative City Hub (CCH).

Following the declaration of Baguio City as a Unesco Creative City for crafts and folk arts, the CPC boasts itself as an avenue and showcase area for the Cordilleran creativity and ingenuity.

Various products and handicrafts from the regions’ artists and micro, small, and medium enterprises are displayed at the OTOP hub.

Customers can also avail locally produced coffee and pastries at the Kapetirya.

The CPC is a convergence of government agencies and the private sector, including various artists in the Cordillera.

The CPC is located at Upper Session Road. – Press release