July 27, 2024

Baguio officials commended para-athletes who emerged victorious in the 1st Asian Para-tenpin Bowling Championships held in May in Belair Bowling Center, Hong Kong.

In a resolution, the council stated the Baguio para-athletes deserve the commendation for successfully representing the country and the city in the international tournament.

The Baguio-based athletes who brought home medals were Jamie Manginga – gold medalist in the men’s TPB8 singles and the men’s all events TPB8 standing, and Jamie Manginga and Agusto Hernandez – silver medalists in the double class TPB8 + TPB8.

Para-athletes from China, India, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Hong Kong, and the Philippines were the participants in the 1st Asian Para-tenpin Bowling Championships organized by the Asian Bowling Federation and the Hong Kong Sports Association.

The council said Baguio para-athletes performed exceptionally well in their respective sporting events that allowed them to bring honor and pride to the city.

Baguio-attached and affiliated athletes who won medals are entitled to cash incentives from the city government, after proper review of their documents.

The outstanding performances of the athletes with the guidance of their coaches and support of their families have portrayed unquestionable discipline and sports excellence perfected through years of training and dedication despite their unique physical attributes being differently-abled, according to the council. – PIO release