July 27, 2024

Baguio City Police Office Chief, Col. Allen Rae Co, said local cops remain in high spirits despite the challenges they encounter in implementing protocols to prevent the spread of the Covid-19.

Co attributed his men’s high morale to the support they receive from the city government led by Mayor Benjamin B. Magalong.

“Everything that we need is being supplied by the city government. As long as we do the right thing, we are confident of having the mayor’s full support,” he said.

He admitted the police also experience fatigue while ensuring residents follow national and local quarantine measures.

Co said the police will continue to do their best in helping prevent the spread of the Covid-19, while also fulfilling their other responsibilities.

He also appealed for understanding as some of the tasks assigned to them are new and not within their core competencies.

He said for instance, the Philippine National Police was tasked to identify the beneficiaries of the Social Amelioration Program when it would have been better for the Department of Social Welfare and Development to do the task.

He said the BCPO has yet to receive guidelines regarding SAP distribution.

He said he is hopeful the PNP will just be assigned to assist the DSWD in the identification of SAP beneficiaries.

“Still, whatever the national government’s decision is, we at the PNP will comply,” Co said. – Gaby Keith