July 27, 2024

Even with the daily morning drizzles and afternoon showers, Pagasa says summer is officially here.
How long will summer last, the weather bureau is unable to say at this time.
Meanwhile, given the uncertainties in the academic calendar, school is still out.
Good for the kids. No homework to be rushed, no books to pore and grind noses over.
Mostly fun and games for them, or just plain goofing off.

Of course, mom needs all the help she can get with household chores but mothers still know best – that all work and no play will make little Juan a dull boy.
Besides, big sister is around to rescue younger siblings from domestic duties, only too happy to bond with mom while washing the dishes together, setting up the dinner table for a hungry horde, ever hopeful that mom will again outdo herself with her great home cooking, simple though the fare would be – dinengdeng, sinigang, at tinola.
Less costly, healthier, more filling.
Good nutrition.

Every summer was unforgettable before the pandemic, but today, with all the restrictions and travel bans, that’s taking away half the fun.
No weekend sorties to the beach, no picnics and other outings, no late nights, distancing ourselves from others, no mass gatherings for any reason, and along city borders, might as well post a sign that says “sorry, but you are not welcome at this time” for all to see and follow.
Pasensiya po, it’s one surge after another. Deadlier even.

But please, we need to know more. Given the marked increase in Covid infections, other than figures and percentages, may we be provided with a listing which social level has been more affected.
The seniors, the great unwashed?
Or do we blame the devil may care and who gives a damn attitude of our stubborn and careless countrymen?
Is government doing enough for its people, or just Roque and Duque mouthing one excuse after another?

Semana Santa uli.
Bugbog na naman tayo ng mahahabang sermon na manalig tayo sa Maykapal at lilipas rin ito.
Pero sa totoo lang, ‘yong mga gutom ay hindi pa rin lilipasan ng gutom, at makapal pa rin ang bulsa at mukha ni Secretary, ni Cong, ni Yor-me, at ni Father.
Si Juan naman, manipis ang katawan at bulsa, ‘di alam kung saan kukuha ng ulam sa tanghali at hapon o sa araw-araw na ginawa ng Diyos.
Ano pa man, puno pa rin ang simbahan sa Huebes at Biernes Santo.

The Chinese have parked a fleet of large vessels along Julian Felipe Strait, looking more like warships than fishing boats, allegedly to seek shelter from the elements.
Amidst the howls of protest from us and the rest of the world, President Rody cautions us to keep cool, and to stay along the good side of the Chinks.
In a shooting war, DU30 explains, we don’t stand a chance.
But neither did we stand a chance against the Spaniards, the Americans, not even against the Japanese.
But fought them we did. Bravely too.
Today all our three former oppressors fully recognize our independence and sovereignty.

We hope that during the Holy Week truss, you were able to cleanse yourself of all sin and other impurities, made peace with your neighbor, and gone back to being a soldier of Christ.
Like the Lord Jesus, you too have risen.
Happy Easter!