July 27, 2024

Let’s start with a prayer for healing power: “Loving God, I pray that you will comfort me in my suffering, lend skill to the hands of my healers, and bless the means used for my cure. Give me such confidence in the power of your grace, that even when I am afraid, I may put my whole trust in you; through our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.”

This near-sighted Ibaloy writer fully agrees with Presidential Adviser for Entrepreneurship Joey Concepcion who stressed the importance of keeping the country’s economy open to both save lives and livelihood including jobs amidst the Covid-19 pandemic.
“At this point in time, many of our micro, small, and medium entrepreneurs including the large enterprises, have been greatly affected and suffered from the impact of this pandemic. Many have lost their hard-earned businesses, especially our micro and small entrepreneurs,” The Go Negosyo founder said.
“These businesses were a product of their hard work, blood, sweat, and tears over the years, and overnight because of the Covid-19, a lot have been taken out. In effect, many jobs have gone as well,” Concepcion added.
The article also stated that the Department of Labor and Employment estimates that as many as 10 million Filipino workers could lose their jobs this year due to the pandemic, up from an initial estimate of four to five million. If this is not sad, sobering and terrifying news, we don’t know what is.
We really do hope and pray that our national and local leaders be given the wisdom and guidance in formulating a “win-win” solution for this extremely difficult balancing act of saving lives while saving jobs at the same time. The sooner, the better.

FYI: Follow up on schedule of returning Baguio residents and workers: 665-4677,
(074) 442-1900, (074) 442-1905, (074) 661-1455, 0927-628-0498, 0999-678-4335.
To leave Baguio: Updated requirements from PNP on travel authority.
Apply for travel authority two days before your planned trip; all individuals with indispensable (essential) travels should register online for contact tracing purposes at https://hdf.baguio.gov.ph/. No need to wait for confirmation from the City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office if leaving Baguio.

Here’s “Bury Me” by Nick Joaquin: “How can you stop yourself from feeling?/ When you gradually feel yourself betraying you?/ How can you understand yourself?/ When you always keep parts of you hidden?/ How can things remain hidden?/ When all you ever do is push things down,/ And keep them locked up in your own abyss?/ How can you stay true to others?/ When you can’t even stay true to yourself?/ How can you live?/ When a part of you is already dead?”
May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ continue to bless and keep us all safe.