July 27, 2024

BAUKO, Mountain Province – The P12.41-million Potato Tuber Production and Marketing Enterprise implemented under the Department of Agriculture-Philippine Rural Development Project (DA-PRDP) and the municipal government of Bauko was turned over to the Sadsadan Association of Vegetable Producers, Inc. (SAVPI) on Nov. 16.

The enterprise was proposed to provide quality potato planting materials and make it accessible to potato growers in Bauko and its neighboring potato-producing municipalities.

As part of the enterprise, a storage facility and three greenhouse structures were constructed for the production of potato tubers. A hauling truck was also turned over to the SAVPI to facilitate the transport of their produce.

The greenhouse structures were completed in the last quarter of 2019, while the construction of the storage facility was completed in February 2020. Since then, the SAVPI has started their operations.

During the turnover ceremony, DA-Cordillera OIC Regional Executive Director Cameron P. Odsey emphasized the importance of technology adoption in producing quality planting materials.

“More farmers will benefit if you produce your own planting materials instead of importing them,” Odsey said.

He added farmers should strengthen their association and use the production facilities and delivery truck provided by the DA-PRDP to develop their business.

Bauko Mayor Abraham B. Akilit advised the SAVPI officers to maximize the use of the facilities and truck in accordance to their responsibility of maintaining it.

SAVPI Chair Teresita Gaocen thanked the DA-PRDP and the LGU for the fulfillment of their enterprise subproject, as well as the members of the association for their unity and coordination in the operation of their enterprise.

“Let us continue working together for our enterprise to prosper. Now that it is finally and officially turned over to us, our duty is to continue to manage and sustain it,” Gaocen said. –Elvy T. Estacio