July 27, 2024
BCBC LECTURE SERIES — The Baguio Correspondents and Broadcasters Club, Inc. held a lecture series at Camp Peppot Ilagan on March 26 to 27. The lectures comprise photography, cyber security, poetry, children’s literature, film making, and  investigative journalism. — Neil Clark Ongchangco

The Baguio Correspondents and Broadcasters Club Incorporated (BCBC) hosted a journalism lecture series in commemoration of their media mentors as well as to promote tourism on March 26 and 27 at Camp Peppot, Burnham Park, Baguio City.

The lecture series, in partnership with the National Union of Journalists Baguio-Benguet Chapter and the Ubbog Writers group, aimed to mentor students, information officers, organizations, and government and non-government agencies on journalism, creative writing, and computer education.

BCBC president Thomas Antonio F. Picaña said: “This joint endeavor helps in the tourism of the local government and the activities are institutionalized for the media in Baguio. This is our vow to our media ancestors wherein they had this as their summer activities before and they were only five people.”

It is the tradition of the BCBC to host a workshop seminar for students and Baguio City’s Public Information Office, followed by the Search for the Lucky Summer Visitors (LSV).

Invited speakers and topics in the program are Art Tibaldo on Photo Walk and Lecture on Photography, Sherwin De Vera on Cyber Security, Heather Pulido on Children’s Literature, Julius Lumiqued on Film Making, Dumay Sulinggay on Poetry, and Karlston Lapniten on Investigative Journalism.

BCBC is the mother association of all media outlets in the Cordillera.

Camp Peppot is in honor of media mentor, Jose “Peppot” Ilagan. The lecture series also served as the reunion of Baguio media.

“This is where we update our members too on how they are doing in life. We would have a fundraising – support for those who are sick in the media or we give them a bit of financial support,” Picaña said.

The schools that participated in the said event are from Benguet State University, University of the Philippines Baguio, and University of the Cordilleras.

Frank Cimatu, one of the board members of BCBC added: “We invite everyone. Sometimes, some of the Manila media come here to camp and many who are attending today are from the City Hall. Many should attend so that they have holistic knowledge on writing not only in journalism but also in creative writing. ” – Janina Cyril Camiller and Krizia Mae Pagusan