July 27, 2024

The Baguio City Police Office has accomplished significant feat in combating crimes from January to April, a result of intensified implementation of anti-criminality and law enforcement operations efforts.

According to latest report, 226 most wanted persons were arrested. These individuals were wanted for various crimes such as rape, robbery, and estafa.

Among those apprehended are 36 individuals identified as top most wanted persons – four at the regional level, 13 at the city level, one at the provincial level, three at the municipal level, and 15 at the station level.

In the fight against illegal drugs, 31 anti-illegal drug operations were conducted, apprehending 35 individuals, 15 of them are high value individuals and 14 are categorized as street level individuals.

Anti-illegal gambling operations were also conducted leading to the arrest of 23 violators.

Targeting unregistered and unlicensed firearms in the hands of threat groups, criminal elements, and civilian, the BCPO confiscated 39 loose firearms.

In BCPO’s efforts to maintain smooth traffic flow, a total of 33,866 traffic apprehensions were recorded, ensuring the safety and convenience of residents navigating the city’s streets.

BCPO Director, Col. Francisco B. Bulwayan, Jr. expressed his gratitude to personnel behind the accomplishment.

 “The accomplishment cannot be attained without the bravery and perseverance of police officers on the ground,” he said.

Bulwayan emphasized the Baguio’s Finest will continue to intensify its operations against criminality in the city.

“Our goal is to offer the community a worry-free environment. We will keep working until every corner in the city is free from lawless elements.”

The BCPO is still soliciting the community’s cooperation, urging active participation in programs that foster enhanced safety and security for everybody. – Press release