July 27, 2024

Benguet’s appointed legislative caretaker, Rep. Eric Go Yap of the Anti-Crime and Terrorism Community Involvement and Support party-list, has assured fellow officials and their constituents of genuine government services during welcome rites set for him Jan. 30.
Provincial officials led by Gov. Melchor Diclas met with Yap to discuss the concerns of the province in a private meeting prior to the welcome party in Wangal, La Trinidad.
Yap said he has already met with the concerned agencies that could address the needs of the province.
He also said he will act on the concerns brought to him by town and provincial officials.
The 40-year-old solon said there would be an open communication between him and the local officials.
He said one of the priority needs mentioned by the mayors is the repair of roads destroyed by Typhoon Ompong, which he will personally lobby to the Department of Public Works and Highways. 
He also vowed to lobby for the Department of Agriculture to add Benguet in the priority list of farm-to-market road projects as well as a beneficiary of farm inputs.  
He said he will pursue the bills filed by the late Rep. Nestor Fongwan, Sr. including the increasing of the bed capacity of Benguet General Hospital from 200 to 400 as well as providing needed facilities and equipment.
Yap also said he will support the proposed the creation of a second legislative district in Benguet through House Bill 5679 which is pending with the Committee on Local Government.  
Yap, who chairs the Committee on Games and Amusements, said he will help in the improvement of the Benguet Sports Complex for the completion of the multipurpose hall and in making the oval track rubberized. 
He said the ACT-CIS action center would also be put in place within the congressional office but clarified both offices would work together to accommodate the financial, scholarship, and medical needs of Benguet residents. – Ofelia C. Empian