July 27, 2024

Communities in Benguet are being assured that the men and women in uniform serving and protecting them and the province are not only physically fit, but are also mentally sound.
Benguet Provincial Police Office Director, Col. Elmer E. Ragay, said the local police are coping well despite juggling several duties brought about by the demands of responding to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Ragay said the Police Information and Continuing Education (PICE) and “squadding” activities ensure the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of the men and women in uniform.
The PICE and the squad concept are designed not only to enhance the skills of officers, but are also intended for their moral and spiritual enhancement as members of the Philippine National Police.
The PICE, which is conducted daily, aims to strengthen the police officers’ belief in the Supreme Being and love for country and the people as they embrace their changing role in society.
Under the squad system, priests and pastors and police officers hold weekly sessions that focus on the latter’s spiritual development.
Ragay said the mental and physical well-being of Benguet PPO personnel can be easily evaluated during the daily PICE and their spiritual upliftment is guaranteed with the help of the religious sector.
There are 80 pastors conducting moral and spiritual upliftment programs for personnel of Benguet PPO, according to Ragay.
“On my part, even if we are located apart from the (unit) commanders, I devote a commander’s time with the help of technology. Anytime, I could get in touch them through Zoom (app).”
Ragay said the fact that no personnel of Benguet PPO is facing administrative and criminal charges speaks well for the mental well-being of the provincial police force.
“I could say that the Benguet police is at its best – physically, mentally, and spiritually – which can be proven by the fact that no officer has been administratively and criminally charged since I assumed stewardship. I hope that this will continue to be so.”
Since the implementation of community quarantine mid-March, the men and women in uniform have assumed various roles – from supervising checkpoints to helping families and communities that were adversely affected by the lockdowns. – Jane B. Cadalig