July 27, 2024

Two units of patient transport vehicles (PTV) worth P3.2 million and assorted medicines were turned over by the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office to different municipalities of Benguet on Oct. 16.

The towns of Bakun and Kapangan are the beneficiaries of the PTVs after the municipalities were included in the priority list of PCSO.

PCSO Consultant for Charity Marie Louise Serojales said other towns of Benguet would be added to the list of beneficiaries next year.

“Before, there is local government unit counterpart of 40 percent for the vehicles for first-class to third-class towns. But through PCSO General Manager Royina Garma, the board has approved that it will be a 100 percent donation,” Serojales said. 

The two PTV units are part of the 300 units distributed to the various municipalities in the country with another 300 units scheduled for distribution next year with some Benguet towns as beneficiaries.

In Department of Health Administrative Order 2018-0001, vehicles used to transport patients but are not equipped with basic life support or advance life support are categorized as PTVs. PTVs should not bear the marking of the word “Ambulance” but shall instead be labeled as “Patient Transport Vehicle.”

A PTV is equipped with stretcher, blood pressure apparatus and oxygen tank.

“We are thankful to the PCSO since our vehicles are already old and bogged down, this is very helpful for us,” Kapangan Mayor Manny Fermin said.

Bakun Mayor Bill Raymundo said the emergency vehicles would be a great help to service their sick constituents especially those in the far-flung areas.

Benguet Legislative District Office Chief of Staff Kevin See said Tuba was a recipient of a PTV in the past.

Aside from the emergency vehicles, assorted medicines worth P200,000 were given to the towns of Buguias, Tublay, La Trinidad and to the Anti-Crime and Terrorism Community Involvement and Support party-list to help their constituents. – Ofelia C. Empian