July 27, 2024

With the spike in Covid-19 cases in Benguet, the Provincial Inter-Agency Task Force has appealed to residents not to conduct crowd-drawing events during the Yuletide holidays.

Gov. Melchor Diclas, who chairs the PIATF, urged the public to refrain from staging Christmas carols, parties, clan reunions and other crowd-drawing activities to help prevent the spread of the virus. 

“As much as possible, let us refrain from conducting large social gatherings. The celebration of Christmas shall be restricted only within the family,” Diclas said. 

Travel of residents will also be limited to accessing goods and services, and for work in the offices or industries permitted to operate. Outdoor exercises are allowed as long as basic health protocols are observed.

Diclas reminded residents on the strict adherence to the mandatory wearing of facemask and shield, including physical distan-cing in markets, groceries, and all public areas.

Data from the Provincial Health Office showed that as of Dec. 9, the province has 577 active cases with Mankayan having the highest cases with 342 while Itogon has the highest recoveries with 668.

Bokod, Kabayan and Kibungan have no active cases recorded for that day.

Of the 577 active cases of the province, 62 are in hospitals, 72 are in provincial isolation facilities, 325 are in municipal isolation facilities, 43 are on home isolation, and 75 are being verified.

La Trinidad still has the highest Covid-19 confirmed cases with 760 followed by Itogon, Tuba and Mankayan with 701, 422, and 405, respectively.

The PHO has identified 10 high-risk barangays: Paco – 114 cases, Sapid – 72 cases, and Poblacion – 10 cases, all in Mankayan; Balili – 30 cases, Pico – 25 cases, Alapang – 15 cases, Poblacion – 14 cases, and Wangal – 13 cases, all in La Trinidad; Camp 3, Tuba – 35 cases; and Ampucao, Itogon – 12 cases. – Ofelia C. Empian