July 27, 2024

Benguet province has renewed the contracts of 99 teachers and guidance associates to aid the Department of Education on the shortage of teachers.

Gov. Melchor Diclas together with Benguet Schools Division Superintendent Sally Ullalim recently signed the contract of Provincial School Board-funded teachers and guidance counselors at the Capitol.

Diclas has reaffirmed his commitment in sustaining the program emphasizing the need of providing additional teachers in the public schools. He cited the importance of guidance associates in providing psychosocial support to learners through values education.

“This is to help provide psychosocial support to students for their mental health,” Diclas said.

He expressed optimism the newly-hired personnel would not only contribute to the present educational situation of the province but also serve as an avenue to gain professional experience, which they can use when they pursue permanent positions in the future.

Of the 99 professionals benefiting from contract renewals, 40 are guidance associates deployed to secondary public schools across the province.

The guidance associates will teach moral and ethical core values, implement character development programs, and emphasize virtues and ethical behavior.

Their responsibilities extend to providing guidance and support in the implementation of various guidance program services such as career guidance or placement, information services, referrals, follow-up, testing, individual inventory, and psychological first aid, among others.

The remaining professionals under renewed contracts are regular teachers assigned to teach different subjects in public schools in the province.

Earlier, Diclas signed contracts with 45 Values Formation teachers or guidance associates to be distributed to the various schools in the province. – Ofelia C. Empian