July 27, 2024
LAWMAKER OF THE YEAR — Benguet Rep. Eric Go Yap received his Honorary Congressman of the Year award during the Nation Builders and Mosliv Awards Night recently. For three straight years, Yap was conferred the same award by the Sustainability Standards Inc., the Nation Builders & Mosliv Awards with an aim to “rally Filipinos together to join the global fight toward the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for a climate-neutral society within the next few decades.” — Contributed photo

Benguet Rep, Eric Yap was conferred the Honorary Congressman of the Year for the third time during the recent Nation Builders and Mosliv Awards Night.

“Congressman Eric Yap has consistently and continuously shown the genuine statesman that he is – true to his words, people-oriented, efficient and effective, and serving beyond his mandate,” the award citation read.

In a press statement, Yap expressed his gratitude and reiterated his unwavering commitment to continue serving the people of Benguet with passion and dedication.

He said the award would not be possible without the collaboration of the leaders and people of Benguet towards positive change.

He vowed to remain steadfast in his pursuit of progress and development for the province.

“This is for Benguet. Ultimately, what I do is for our people. Bonus na lang ito and gusto natin magpasalamat sa Nation Builders and Mosliv Awards for giving me this honor for the third consecutive year. I am overwhelmed but it will still keep me pushing,” he said.  

The lawmaker said there were new programs he initiated in the past year and new programs being organized as a result of the feedback from the communities.

Organized by Sustainability Standards Inc., the Nation Builders & Mosliv Awards aims to “rally Filipinos together to join the global fight toward the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for a climate-neutral society within the next few decades.”

The award recognizes various contributions from the public service sector – the representatives, governors, and mayors, down to the barangay level and includes the contributions from philanthropists from the non-government sector, CEOs, and modern Filipino and Filipina heroes, as well as the local government units, companies, and organizations that are functioning in a sustainable way, respecting the environment, bringing positive impact to their respective constituencies and communities. – Ofelia C. Empian