July 27, 2024

The Bureau of Internal Revenue’s gi-ving the approval for the printing of teller’s official receipts (TOR) to another entity representing itself as the Benguet Electric Cooperative is not a re-cognition of the leadership of one manager over another, an official of the BIR said.

Reacting to criticisms the BIR-Cordillera received after it allowed the camp of Ana Maria Paz Rafael to print and register with the BIR the TOR it has been issuing to payors, Director Douglas Rufino said the agency is only after the proper accounting of payments received.

“Our only aim is to protect the revenue base,” Rufino said. 

Rafael was appointed as the successor of the late Gerardo Verzosa by the National Electrification Administration, while Engr. Melchor Licoben has been appointed by the board of directors.

The leadership issue reached the court that is yet to decide on who should be recognized as general manager is pending.

Rufino said regardless of who claims to be the manager, BIR recognizes only one Beneco based on the tax identification number (TIN) they issued.

“Walang problema sa isang Beneco (Licoben camp) dahil registered na ang mga TOR nila pero ‘yung isa na nangongolekta kailangan may OR din,” Rufino said.

“How can the BIR audit them without the official receipt?

He said had the Rafael camp requested for a separate TIN, BIR would refuse as the Tax Code only issues one TIN per taxpayer.

Rufino added the Rafael camp signed an undertaking it will submit an accounting of collections.

He said the move is an added work becasue they have to separately compute the submissions of both camps then input it into the records of Beneco.

In February, the Rafael-led Beneco, through spokesperson Maita Andres announced that BIR recognized Rafael’s leadership by allowing the printing of TOR.

Rufino said rather than watch the Rafael camp continue collecting payments without registering receipts in their possession, the more prudent thing to do is register the TOR so that collection will be properly recorded. – Rimaliza A. Opiña