July 27, 2024

Councilor Vladimir Cayabas filed a proposed ordinance seeking to create the Baguio City Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Council.

The proposed ICT council is envisioned to help the city government achieve its goal to transform Baguio City into a “smart and resilient highly urbanized city.” 

Cayabas said good governance can be attained when leaders are committed in introducing ways and measures enabled by technology.

“Processes and structures that are ICT-driven increase citizens’ awareness and active participation and win back the trust of the people in the government,” he added.

The ICT Council shall take the lead in policy recommendation related to ICT with an end goal of advancing digital governance. Recommendations may include legislative measures aimed at improving the city’s ICT infrastructure, systems, and resources.

It will also assist the city government in setting up its digital governance agenda that aims to foster innovation for socio-economic advancement, and at the same time, assess or review the city’s existing ICT-related programs and projects.

According to the proposal, one goal of the ICT Council should be the promotion of ICT literacy among the locals for them to fully participate in an evolving ICT age and appreciate the purpose and direction of digital governance.

The ICT Council shall be chaired by the mayor and co-chaired by a private sector representative with the city                                 planning and development coordinator as action officer. The members shall consist of concerned officials and representatives of concerned national agencies.

An amount of P600,000 shall be appropriated each year from the budget of the Mayor’s Office for the implementation of the ordinance.

 The fund shall be primarily for ICT program policy research and development.

The proposed ordinance was referred to the city council’s committee on ethics, governmental affairs, and personnel for review. – Jordan G. Habbiling