July 27, 2024

Envisioning a safe and resilient Baguio, a medium-term disaster risk reduction and management plan formulation workshop for 2020 to 2022 was conducted by the City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (CDRRMO) in collaboration with the Office of Civil Defense regional office and the Department of Interior and Local Government city office.

The event was held Oct. 7 to 9 at Ridgewood Hotel, Lualhati barangay.

Topics discussed included a review of the Philippine disaster risk reduction management system; Sendai framework for disaster risk reduction and an introduction to the local disaster risk reduction management plan (LDRRMP) including its funding sources.

Workshop sessions were held on developing the LDRRMP in terms of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, challenges analysis; goals and objectives; and programs, projects and activities as per four thematic areas:disaster prevention and mitigation; disaster preparedness; disaster response; disaster rehabilitation and recovery.

CDRRMO chief Yolanda Munar said the LDRRMP is the strategic road map to attain resilience from disasters and should be attuned with the national DRRM framework as well as the priorities of the National DRRM Plan. 

She said the plan provides detailed information on the local government unit’s assessment of hazards, exposure, vulnerabilities, capacities, goals, objectives, outcomes, action plans, and mechanisms for monitoring and evaluation of the four thematic areas.

“To address the concern on LDRMMP formulation, there is a need for this training that will integrate latest policies, guidelines, standards and best practices for planning,” Munar said.

The Local Government Code of 1991 mandates all LGUs  to be the frontliners before, during, and after disasters with Republic Act 10121 strengthening the capacities of LGUs through the promotion of bottoms-up and participatory approach in disaster risk reduction and management. – Gaby Keith